Giraffe Paradise Talks "Rabbids"

Rabbids: The Beautiful 3D Computer Creatures

Have you ever wanted to meet a little funny man inside your Nintendo Wiimote? Yes? Then congratulations, because the future isn't now, it happened in the bygone date of November 6th 2009, with the release of Rabbids Go Home. I remember the day like it was the day of my birth, as it was indeed a religious experience, my mother was having a date night at the Manchester Trafford Centre with her future husband (this was therefore in the period while he was still showering for more than once every two weeks) and to facilitate one of these Trafford Centre dates (this happened a couple of times) I recall being left in the Trafford Centre cinema alone for two hours to watch either Paul Blart Mall Cop 1 or Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 (if this is where I watched Paul Blart Mall Cop 1, then I watched it on this day). After or before the movie, I found my way into a Game store, and there I bought two objects: Rabbids Go Home, a beautiful game where you wheel people around in shopping carts as our erratic ambiguous comfortable-in-their-own-individualities-and-all-forms-of-personal-expression Rabbids, and a foam Rabbid Wiimote Cover, where to press the B button on the back you must stick your index finger into a Rabbid Mouth. The Rabbids were originally a Michel Ancel sketch, made in a few minutes as a peace offering to the Rayman 4 team whilst the Rayman creator was busy making a game about a pig who runs an orphanage, and soon Rayman 4 turned into a minigame collection centred around this brief tossed-off sketch, soon a franchise dead-set on ignoring whatever a Rayman is and focusing on what really counts: funny little troll people that go BWAHH! Back in 2006 and 2007, one of the first things I used YouTube for was watching little 30 second Rabbids adverts in 240p, where the set-up was always here is a Rabbid and he is doing a basic human daily task in the real world, and the pay-off is always the Rabbid being pushed or confused a little and then it goes BWAHH; some could argue that these short films double as autistic texts, the world as a harsh confusing environment where innanity leads to internal-external violence.

Rabbids YouTube Video Funny

Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja



About Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa

Have you ever wanted to be a baby with a rattle that can make animals float and you can crawl through cake and run around and some other stuff maybe: well this baby is a miracle, a Bio Miracle who is, some might say, Bokutte Upa.

Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja

Gameplay and Features

The Conspectus Keeper

Dragon Ninja

Have you ever wanted to be a baby with a rattle that can make animals float and you can crawl through cake and run around and some other stuff maybe: well this baby is a miracle, a Bio Miracle who is, some might say, Bokutte Upa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean blandit augue id tristique facilisis. Sed pellentesque erat faucibus nibh mattis, a placerat ipsum varius. Donec quis gravida risus. Cras eu felis ullamcorper, hendrerit quam ut, tempor justo. Mauris porttitor interdum massa, a consectetur quam laoreet vel. Nulla consectetur laoreet sapien eget aliquam. Morbi in rhoncus turpis. Aliquam eu fringilla purus. Nulla ut tempor urna. Phasellus lorem mi, lacinia sed pulvinar ut, pharetra et ligula. Nulla finibus lacus dui, et facilisis arcu tristique sed. Integer aliquet, magna in porttitor aliquam, tortor neque sollicitudin nibh, eu aliquam enim nunc feugiat nisi. Suspendisse at odio eget sem dapibus finibus eu vel dui. Donec lacinia condimentum dui a faucibus. Duis porta quam sit amet tortor ornare viverra. Integer tempor dapibus purus ac posuere. Curabitur et sapien tempor, egestas lacus a, faucibus orci. Ut id nisi lobortis, ullamcorper enim et, fermentum justo. Nullam bibendum lorem nec sapien faucibus dictum eget vitae magna. Duis ligula magna, ullamcorper quis sem eget, ultrices varius diam. Aenean vel ante nulla. Sed neque mauris, tempor in tristique vel, rutrum vel purus. Phasellus malesuada lorem ut augue dapibus, eget maximus dolor aliquet. Nam vitae imperdiet mi. Nunc vulputate lobortis odio, vitae auctor ipsum placerat et. Sed et ex eget tortor rhoncus molestie. In consequat, neque ac tempor dictum, massa est tempus dolor, sed finibus enim arcu at nunc. Nunc vel est vitae arcu tempus blandit volutpat vel ante. Aenean finibus odio vel ipsum lacinia vestibulum. Nulla interdum risus non mi laoreet, vitae venenatis turpis sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc libero lorem, semper vitae volutpat faucibus, dictum sit amet turpis. Maecenas auctor dictum velit nec mattis. Pellentesque justo tellus, fermentum at sagittis sed, venenatis ut augue. Ut fringilla vestibulum dui a rutrum. Maecenas id orci eu magna accumsan tempor. Aenean posuere non ipsum sed maximus. Etiam sed malesuada tortor, nec dictum ex. Maecenas in diam in orci faucibus pellentesque. Proin vel gravida ex, sodales auctor mi. Aenean at vulputate mi. Aliquam nisl nibh, volutpat nec turpis ut, tincidunt volutpat arcu.

Rabbids Gallery

Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja Dragon Ninja

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